Thursday, March 25, 2010

Calorie Labeling Goes National!

Tucked away in the health care reform legislation is a new law requiring all food chains with more than 20 locations nationwide and all vending machines, salad bars, buffets, etc, to prominently post calories--following our lead. :) Cathy talks it up on NPR.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Holi and Purim?

Purim in Israel

Basket of sweets sold in India for Holi

I am just learning about the Hindu holiday of Holi. There seem to be many overlaps with Purim.  Examples: 
Holi is today, as is Shushan Purim. 
Hindus exchange sweets and dried fruits, often in little baskets-see above. We exchange shalach manot, often with sweet and dried fruits. 
Holi is a colorful festival, often with costumes, street celebrations, and people splashing each other with color. Purim involves costumes and behaviors usually seen as wild. 
"Holi fstival has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of 'good' over 'bad.' 
On this day, people wish each other 'Happy Holi.'" 
"A night before the full moon {Purim begins on the eve of the full moon}, crowds gather together."