Saturday, May 25, 2013

May trip to Denver!

Kaiya couldn't wait to go see grandma and grandpa in Denver! She specifically said she wanted to play in the yard, play downstairs, and go swimming. So we did all that and more. Kaiya impressed everyone on her new scooter, her borrowed trikes, her two hour naps, her late night talking in the crib, her backyard swing, and her fearlessness at the pool. She ate copious amounts of grapes and noodles, slept well upstairs, and was introduced to the Big Orange Splot which she requested every morning upon waking. She loved running up and down the hill in the front yard, building towers and knocking them down, and swinging endlessly on her swing while grandpa sang to her.

Every morning she joined wawa in bed for a story.

Moved on to bubbles outside

And then migrated to the swing.

She also came shopping at the mall

Mama! Two Kaiyas!

Checked out new playgrounds

Painted in the back

Watched just a little Elmo (on her no nap day!)

Tried out her new umbrella (Sabrina's from 30 years ago)

Saw baby geese

Ate at all our favorite haunts

Jumped on all the beds

And rode a tricycle for the first time!

YouTube Video

All in all, a total blast and she can't wait (neither can mama) to go back!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Weekend ups and downs

Weekend was beautiful and springy so we packed our days with park adventures.

First a trip to the Botanic Gardens for smiles and sniffing.

Then some tears. Kaiya was done with flowers and wanted horsies (carousel!) and specifically wanted mama to ride Sierra and her Watermelon. Danny requested Alfredo. So we tried for a mother daughter portrait in front of the tulips but Kaiya was resistant.

We made it to the carousel (on bikes!) then home for a 2.5 hr nap!, music class in the park, dinner time, them duff time in front of Elmo.
