Thursday, August 25, 2011

What a day!

We had a lot of firsts today!

#1 and maybe our favorite, Kaiya slept from 7pm-545am WITHOUT A PEEP! First time ever! Who knows if it will happen again but we will take what we can get! This is after many weeks of soothing and assistance from Sleep Whisperer Steinberg. Nice work Daddy!

#2 Mom decided to give up on nap enforcement and let Kaiya call the shots. Maybe we will regret it later but everyone is a lot happier and Kaiya seems to maybe be the one baby who doesn't need a lot of day sleep? Once that agreement was made, S and K went to visit a nearby day care. The day care was fine (S isn't sure what to think) but the best part was Kaiya sat on the floor and played by herself for 45 minutes while mom got the official tour. What a big girl! Some of the babies came over to say hi and she acknowledged them nicely but continued to smack her new toy solo until it was time to go. We got home just before a downpour and Kaiya decided she was finally ready for a nap and slept on her side for 1.5 hrs and woke up ready to get back to it.

#3 S ordered a highchair that attaches to the table--it was time for Kaiya to let mom and dad eat lunch without being held! S and K went off to Brooklyn Commune and...Kaiya LOVED the chair. We played at the table joke, almost an hour and a half.

#4. While we were at it, why not try eating lunch together? Kaiya has been reluctant to eat for weeks now but who knows why, maybe since we were at the table, or maybe it was because mom shoved the first spoonful in and Kaiya made the connection to open her mouth...but Kaiya ate almost a whole container of sweet potatoes and half of apples! And grabbed for more!

#5. Clearly Kaiya was being super cute at the table. And mom wasn't the only one who thought so. Seems a small time movie producer was sitting at the next table and couldn't help but notice as well. Turns out, she is casting for an adorable rosy chubby blond blue eyed baby...and she thought Kaiya was the perfect fit! She came and talked to Kaiya for about 20 minutes and Kaiya stared and smiled the whole time, what an audition! Who knows if we are really interested, but Kaiya may be on the big screen! We finished up the afternoon with a little swinging. We were the only ones at the playground after the rain storm but Kaiya didn't mind...

And back home to play/rest!

Whew. What a day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Here's the girl giving us so much joy!

Kaiya's First Month!

Kaiya arrived Feb 10th and has been keeping us quite busy ever since! Some highlights below:

Kaiya is born!

Day 1 in the hospital:

Newborns sleep a lot:

And make funny faces:

And love their grand (and great grand!) parents:

And love going on walks:

Kaiya has started making eye contact, rolling over, and playing by herself on the mat. We can't wait to see what happens in month two! (All pics from my phone, sorry to leave out sone great ones on my camera...!)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jer's tennis camp vacation in Palm Springs, California, December 2010

Great 4 day vaca in "the desert".

Tennis kicked my butt.

Blue, cloudless skies, my own private 2 BR, 2 BA villa with shared private pool and hot tub.

I'd do it again.

Here for more pics.

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